
Medzinárodná výstava inteligentného obalového priemyslu v Šanghaji 2024

Medzinárodná výstava inteligentného obalového priemyslu v Šanghaji
From August 07, 2024 until August 09, 2024
Shanghai - Shanghai World Expo Expo Expo a Convention Center, Šanghaj, Čína
(Pred účasťou si dvakrát skontrolujte dátumy a miesto na oficiálnej stránke nižšie.)
kategória: Balenie a balenie
Tagy: obal

swop 2024包装展-包装世界(上海)博览会官网-包装机械展|包装材料展

Postponement of the swop World of Packaging Expo (Shanghai). The swop World of Packaging Expo (Shanghai), is about to take off! . ESG is responsible for the global trend towards environmentally friendly packaging. The "Dual Carbon New Era Zone" of swop-2024 leads the sustainable development! . Chinese Society of Food Science and Technology and SWOP join forces: Focus on the food track and see the latest trends in global packaging and processing. Packaging World Expo (Shanghai), a swop company, won the "2023 Shanghai Excellent Exhibition". . swop shares endless packaging business opportunities. Gathering new energy and leading the new development of packaging. The swop Packaging World Expo (Shanghai), held in 2023, was a success! We look forward to seeing everyone in 2024! Come back strong! Today, the 2023 Packaging (Shanghai Expo) opened in grand style. The future of packaging will be dominated by "Intelligent production, digitalization and personalization". swop will use this opportunity to create a theme for personalized packaging and intelligent production. A look at the parallel activities of swop 2020, focusing on the hotspots in the packaging industry! . swop2023 Insights on Innovation: A dialogue with packaging giants from around the world, an exploration of the future of packaging. Fast time to market, light assets and cost reduction! ODM/OEM Special Topics make their debut in swop Packaging World Expo (Shanghai), setting the trend for innovation.

Organizátor swopu Packaging World Expo (Shanghai) v reakcii na časté epidémie, ktoré sa vyskytli v Číne, pozorne počúval názory a potreby všetkých strán a urobil starostlivé rozhodnutie: pôvodný „2022 Packaging World Expo (Shanghai ), ktorý sa má konať v Šanghajskom novom medzinárodnom výstavisku Expo Center medzi 14. a 16. novembrom 2022, bol odložený. Podľa nariadení vlády o prevencii a kontrole epidémií bude konkrétny plán rozšírenia vyhlásený aj samostatne.

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Mapa miesta a hotely v okolí

Shanghai - Shanghai World Expo Expo Expo a Convention Center, Šanghaj, Čína Shanghai - Shanghai World Expo Expo Expo a Convention Center, Šanghaj, Čína


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