
Maine Lobster Festival 2024

Maine Lobster Festival
From July 31, 2024 until August 04, 2024
Rockland – Maine Lobster Festival, Maine, USA
(Pred účasťou si dvakrát skontrolujte dátumy a miesto na oficiálnej stránke nižšie.)
kategória: Potraviny a nápoje
Tagy: Shipbuilding

O - Maine Lobster Festival

The idea began in March 1947 at a meeting of citizens and summer people, when a discussion was held about what could be done to revive the summer activities of Camden before the war. July 31 – August 4, 2024. July 31 - August 4,2024. The dates are July 29-August 2, 2026. Contributing to Community. Executive Committee. The Maine Lobster Festival, which has been going on for over 60 years, has survived and is, according to many, getting better each year because of the dedication of the community.

Námorný festival sa považoval za vhodný. Vždy to malo byť každoročné podujatie. Festival sa každoročne koná prvý augustový víkend. Tu sú niektoré z našich najbližších termínov:.

Mainským homárom a mainským homárom povedali, že je najvyšší čas, aby zaujali ich miesto. Camden-Rockport Lobster Festival, koncipovaný na tomto základe, bol logickým typom festivalu pre túto oblasť.

Po tomto rozhodnutí bola vytvorená nezisková organizácia s názvom Camden Rockport Lobster Festival Inc. Jeho prezidentom bol gróf Fuller z Maine Coast Sea Food Corporation. Clinton Lunt, viceprezident Camden Shipbuilding and Marine Railway Co. E. Hamilton Hall z The Camden Herald; a Henry S. Bickford, pokladník a riaditeľ boli ďalšími členmi predstavenstva.

From the first festival, an executive committee has been formed to advise and work with the group. This continues today. Maine Lobster Festival's success and organization depends on a dedicated Board of Directors. These volunteers are from the local area, and they work all year long to take care of thousands of details. Festival Corporation is non-profit. Since 2005, a new level of membership has been created for individuals. The Board of Directors is responsible for opening the festival gates, even though nearly 1,300 local citizens give their time to the Lobster Festival each year. The planning for the next event begins as soon as the doors close on this year's festival.

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Rockland – Maine Lobster Festival, Maine, USA Rockland – Maine Lobster Festival, Maine, USA


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