Služby riadenia upratovania

Služby riadenia upratovania

From September 23, 2025 until September 26, 2025

V Berlíne - Messe Berlin, Berlín, Nemecko

Uverejnil Canton Fair Net

stránka - CMS Berlin

Cleaning industry's home in Europe. Leading Tradeshow for Cleaning and Hygiene23-26 Sep 2025. Impressions of CMS Berlin. The largest industry gathering. Central for decision makers. EUROPE'S LEADER CLEANING MARKET.

CMS Berlin ponúka kombináciu B2B podujatí, networkingu a veľtrhov, ako aj praktických prednášok a diskusií pre všetky cieľové skupiny priemyslu. Vychutnajte si ukážku:.

The international trade fair for cleaning and hygiene will invite you back to Berlin in 2025 for the largest branch show of the entire year, as well as a personal meet-up.

CMS Berlin je výkladnou skriňou a centrom inovácií, prehľadov trhu a aktuálnych znalostí vo vašom každodennom podnikaní.

Zaregistrujte sa už teraz na túto udalosť v európskom čistiacom priemysle, ktorú musíte navštíviť.

As always, CMS Berlin 2025 trade visitors can learn about the latest industry trends, such as digitalization and sustainability, through special events, forums, live discussions and trade fair booths.

The 2025 trade show will include a variety of popular formats, live demonstrations and visitor highlights, such as the Purus Innovation Award, the Mobility Cleaning Circle and other popular formats.

This newsletter will inform you of the latest news about trade shows and products, and also provide you with information on new events and offers at CMS Berlin.