

From May 15, 2024 until May 17, 2024

Vo Vilniuse – litovskom výstavnom a kongresovom centre LiTEXPO, okres Vilnius, Litva

Uverejnil Canton Fair Net

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Join the biggest event of the engineering industry in Lithuania. MAJOR PARTNER. PARTNER INFORMATION. Lithuanian representatives of the industry send a message: Innovation and automation are our only hope. The largest exhibition of engineering solutions, innovation, and specialized production in the Baltic States, "Balttechnika", will return to Vilnius after a three-year break. The participants of the event say there's never a bad time to invest. Darius Lasionis, the head of the Lithuanian Engineering and Technology Industry Association LINPRA, says that process automation, digitalization and robotization are the best ways to overcome the challenges facing the industry.

October 19-20 10:00-17:00October 21, 10.00-16.00.

BALTTECHNIKA, medzinárodná výstava technologických inovácií a inžinierskych riešení, je najdôležitejším a jediným podujatím pre strojársky priemysel v Litve.

It is the mission of the engineering and technology sector to showcase the achievements and potentials of the companies in the industry to the public and to the specialists, as well as to promote the development and strengthening of business-scientific institutions, startups, and traditional industry.

Zameriava sa na inžinierstvo a technológiu vrátane pokročilých výrobných produktov, riešení a inovácií. Dôraz sa bude klásť na témy ako doprava, mobilita a obnoviteľné zdroje.

Hlavným cieľom výstavy je prispieť k trvalo udržateľnému rozvoju inžinierskych a technologických odvetví v Litve.