Čínska medzinárodná výstava Wenzhou Pletacie stroje, lietajúce pletenie hornej a digitálnej tlače

Čínska medzinárodná výstava Wenzhou Pletacie stroje, lietajúce pletenie hornej a digitálnej tlače

From August 23, 2024 until August 25, 2024

Vo Wenzhou - Medzinárodné kongresové a výstavné centrum Wenzhou, Zhejiang, Čína

Uverejnil Canton Fair Net

[chránené e-mailom]


展会概况 | 温州皮革鞋材鞋机展 | 温州国际皮革、鞋材、鞋机展览会 | 温州皮革展

Od roku 1996 sa Čína (Wenzhou), medzinárodná výstava kože, obuvníckych materiálov a obuvníckych strojov, úspešne konala už 26-krát za sebou. Rozvinula sa na celosvetovú výstavu, ktorá ovplyvnila národný aj medzinárodný obuvnícky a garbiarsky priemysel. . Využite túto príležitosť a urobte z Wenzhou „World Shoe Capital“ a transformujte a inovujte obuvnícky kožiarsky priemysel v Číne a na celom svete pomocou nového trendu digitálneho a inteligentného priemyselného rozvoja.

The Wenzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center will host the 27th China International Leather, Shoe Materials, and Shoe Machinery Exhibition from August 23 to 25 in 2024. The "China International Synthetic Leather Exhibition", and the "China (Wenzhou), International Synthetic Leather Exhibition", will both be held at the same time. Wenzhou International Sewing Equipment Exhibition", and "China (Wenzhou), International Digital Printing Exhibition", (collectively known as "Wenzhou International Leather Exhibition") will be held at the same time. The exhibition draws on Wenzhou’s advantages in the industrial chain, integrates upstream and downstream resources in the shoe leather chain from Zhejiang to Guangdong, Fujian and other places and gathers high quality resources for intelligent shoe leather manufacturing. !

Wenzhou has traditionally been a shoe leather-based industry. Wenzhou was crowned "China's Shoe Capital", all in one go, in 2001. Over the past 20 years, Wenzhou’s shoe leather industry continues to evolve and improve, becoming one Wenzhou’s 100 billion-dollar industrial clusters. It has 7 national gold business card, 7 Chinese famous brand, and 82 Chinese trademarks. High-quality shoe manufacturers from Guangdong and Chengdu are being attracted by the industrial clusters to build factories in Wenzhou. The "Chinese Shoe Capital", now the "World Shoe Capital", will provide new business opportunities for exhibitors, and enhance the effectiveness of this exhibition.