Výstava leteckého inžinierstva

From July 03, 2024 until July 05, 2024

V Šanghaji - Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC), Šanghaj, Čína

Uverejnil Canton Fair Net



AEE 2024-inovačné ovládače! Jednorazové riešenie.

The "crown" of modern industry is the large aircraft. Our country is now ready to develop large aircraft after years of research and development. The aviation industry and its trillion-yuan manufacturing chain are about to take flight. The long, complex chain of the large aircraft industry covers many different areas. The large aircraft industry chain is long and covers many areas. It includes the production of standard parts, spare parts, and engines for aircraft, as well as structural parts, material suppliers and engine manufacturers. AEE2024 will be expanded to 15,000 square meters to meet the needs of development. This will provide a professional platform for 400+ exhibitors from the upstream and downstream industries, including materials, equipment, and application technology solutions.

AEE Shanghai International Aviation Manufacturing Technology and engineering Exhibition is the world's largest aerospace engineering exhibition. It will provide a platform to display and exchange information for the entire aerospace manufacturing industry. This includes all aspects of design and materials, testing and simulation, assembly and Manufacturing, 3D Printing, surface treatment, Engineering, Industry 4.0 and digitalization. Tools, cutting tools and components, systems and avionics, and other innovative products and technologies for OEMs and suppliers.

Toto veľkolepé podujatie je podporené inovatívnym modelom „Convention + Exhibition“. AEE2024 je bohatá a farebná udalosť. Séria konferencií o leteckom inžinierstve zahŕňa 2 dni plenárneho zasadnutia a 8 paralelných fór. Témy zahŕňajú digitálne technológie a inteligentnú výstavbu tovární; výroba veľkých komponentov lietadiel; ľahký dizajn a aplikácia nových materiálov, montáž lietadiel, overovanie a trupová konštrukcia. Očakáva sa, že až 3,000 XNUMX inžinierov a technikov sa zúčastní na fórach týkajúcich sa montáže leteckých motorov, testovania a predbežnej údržby, ako aj ďalších tematických fór.