Severozápadná výstava obrábacích strojov

Severozápadná výstava obrábacích strojov

From May 14, 2025 until May 15, 2025

V Portland - Oregon Convention Center, Oregon, USA

Uverejnil Canton Fair Net

[chránené e-mailom]

kategória: Strojársky sektor

Tagy: náradie, Stroj

Hits: 5609

Expo Northwest Machine Tool 2023

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Northwest Machine Tool Expo, a regional event unique to the machining and manufacturing industry. This event includes free educational sessions as well as an exhibit floor that showcases the latest products and service in the industry. This is a great opportunity that you don't want miss. Visit the expo for a look at what's new and exciting in the world of manufacturing and machining, and to meet peers and industry leaders.

V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok o registrácii kontaktujte zákaznícky servis na: e-mail [chránené e-mailom] alebo na telefónnom čísle 913-565-2199Štandardné pracovné hodiny zákazníckeho servisu sú od 8:00 do 5:00 centrálneho času.