

From October 01, 2024 until October 03, 2024

Vo Valencii - Feria Valencia, Valencianské spoločenstvo, Španielsko

Uverejnil Canton Fair Net

[chránené e-mailom]


“En Iberflora sa genera mucha information for analizar los los mercados and las tendas”

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Framusa, popredná medzinárodná spoločnosť vo výrobe a predaji vonkajších kamenných výrobkov, ako sú fontány, figúrky a kvetináče, je významným hráčom na svetovom trhu. Spoločnosť, ktorá predáva svoje produkty vo viac ako 20 krajinách, sa zúčastní na ďalšej Iberflore. Agustin González, jej manažér, bol naším rozhovorom.

Framusa so svojou 15-ročnou históriou a ako meradlo na medzinárodnom trhu veľmi dobre rozumie tomu, ako sa tento typ produktu vyvíjal... Aké trendy boli v posledných rokoch vidieť z hľadiska materiálov a dizajnu.

Products with minimalist lines and straight, elegant lines can be used to not only decorate but also separate environments or spaces. In terms of materials, we're talking about durable and long-lasting ones like stone in lighter colors, such as beige, white or sand. This creates a very natural, bright environment. I'm seeing a move towards more classic, older models in these times of technology and futuristic thinking. To give the home a familiar feel, products that appeal to memories and nostalgia are a good choice.

Čo je najnovšie v katalógu Framusa?

Artificial stone planters and large flower pots with an innovative and unique lighting system. Our flower pots are unique because of the effects that LED lighting has on their textures and reliefs. To be able personalize environments, we created a collection of decorative arts with special value. I'm talking about sculptures that can be used to create unique museum spaces. Modern and classical sculptures to suit all tastes and decors. Each sculpture has its own identifying seal, and all are subject to copyright.